Soul Dolls Beta Teachers Program

Discover the power and potential of incorporating the doll within your practice.

Do you long for a transformative approach that resonates deeply with your female clients and those who identify as female?

What is the Soul Dolls - Teacher Beta Program?

The Soul Dolls - Teacher Beta Program is a unique, immersive experience that equips you with the art and craft of facilitating doll-making as a therapeutic tool. This program is designed to help you guide your clients through a profound healing journey, fostering self-discovery and empowerment through creative expression.

Soul Dolls offer a creative and meaningful way to explore and heal personal narratives. By incorporating this innovative approach into your practice, you will: - Reduce burnout: Transform your practice into a more rewarding and less exhausting experience. - Increase client satisfaction: Achieve deeper, more impactful results with your clients. - Stand out: Differentiate your services with a unique and powerful modality.

Why Soul Dolls?

Program Details

Start date September 12, 2024

What You Will Receive:

  • Live Group Coaching Calls: Engage in interactive sessions where you can ask questions, share experiences, and learn directly from Shelly and other professionals.

  • 6 - Bi-weekly live support calls. Weekly Modules opening Sunday evenings 8:00pm gmt mountain time.

  • Comprehensive Training: Access in-depth modules that cover everything you need to know about facilitating Soul Doll-making, Creating Your Style from the basics to advanced techniques. In-depth training to give you confidence in facilitating within both a clinical & holistic framework.

  • Branding Materials: Receive professionally designed materials to help you market and establish your Soul Dolls Workshops.

  • Detailed PDFs: Get step-by-step guides, worksheets, and resources to support your journey as a Soul Dolls Facilitator.

  • Ongoing Support: Benefit from continuous guidance and assistance as you build and run your own Soul Dolls Group Workshops.

    All this and more…

Who Is the Soul Dolls Beta Teachers Program For?

Our program is ideal for: Therapists, Counselors, Coaches, Healers, Social Workers, and any professional working with female clients and those who identify as female

Transform Your Practice Today Join the Soul Dolls - Teacher Beta Program and become a pioneer in this innovative therapeutic approach. Spaces are limited to ensure personalized attention and support, so don't miss this opportunity to transform your practice and make a lasting impact on your clients' lives.

What Soul Doll Group Participants Have to Say…

The Investment Details!

497$ first 20 Enrolles

697$ Regular Cost

3333$ Post Beta Cost

Please note that our Beta program is a non-refundable program that is designed to create a win win for both participant & Soul Dolls team. Your agreement in purchacing your seat in our training program is to provide feedback, testimonials & case studies in exchange for teacher training at a highly discounted rate.