I’m ready to journey with Shelly.

Private 1:1 Mentoring for Creatives & Artists

Do you have a vision, ideas, and desires that you find yourself dreaming of?

Is your heart pulling you -calling you, to use your skills, your genius in an expanded way?

This is my genius - seeing a vision that weaves together what’s already there.

No need for more.

Let us look at what you have in your hands from an eagles view.

Seeing what can easily be missed on the ground.

Let us take this information and like the spider weave a web that is unique, beautiful, and magnetic to those seeking exactly what you have to offer.

I believe the world is in desperate need for artists, creatives, and professionals to be sharing their gifts with the world. Since 2017 I have been teaching classes, and offering private mentorship to women who like you are ready to move forward with a new energy of excitement and inspiration. My mentorship uses a holistic model of innerwork, practical tools, alignment, and action. Like many creatives/innovators it is all too easy to become paralyzed with not knowing what direction to take, or becoming stuck when it comes to how to bring one’s work together in a way that is both abundant and fulfilling.

“If you find yourself here you are ready to begin a new quest. A quest that moves you forward from heart, soul & womb. You like me are on no ordinary journey, and I’m most certain that my diverse skills and intuitive guidance will assure that you receive exactly what your heart & soul is yearning for to move to the next level in your artistry, and soul aligned business. As always I remind you it is you that does the work, and you that will be rewarded for showing up, taking risks, and BECOMING the embodiment of your heart & soul.”

2197$ current 3 month rate

Payment plans available upon request.