What is a Soul Doll?

A Soul Doll is an intentional needle-felted doll that is a representation of your “heart and soul” crafted within your artistic creation.

“The doll is a sacred companion for children around the world. Many of us have a deep remembering when we see, feel, hold a doll in our hands. But, as we leave the child and step into the journey of adulthood, life often leads us away from the child within. My intention with sharing, teaching, and creating custom Soul Dolls is to inspire our remembering of a deep truth that exists within us. In creating a soul doll you indeed will connect to a part of you that perhaps previously felt far away. I welcome you here and together with you I hold space for your creative heart to bring forth a creation in the form of a doll that provokes your remembering.


Welcome to Soul Dolls, a place where heart and soul weave together to inspire your remembering of the simple joy that is found through the art and craft of doll-making.

Shelly's vision:

Shelly's passion for needle-felting is more than an art; it's a soul journey. Her dedication to the craft goes beyond creating beautiful dolls; it's about weaving the threads of intention and heart into every doll. She shares this craft as her soul work is most inspired by sharing creativity and the power that is found through the crafting of the doll. Shelly’s offerings, doll-making and all creations she shares are inspired by the beauty and sacredness of the Celtic Isles, and her connection to the prairie lands of Southern Alberta.

Creating sisterhood/brotherhood through craft:

Shelly seamlessly blends her artistic ability with a deep understanding of the spiritual, inside her offerings. Soul Dolls is not just a personal project, but one that is here to build community and connections around the globe. At this time Shelly offers workshops, online courses, and At Home Soul Doll Creation Kits.

Accessible learning, and artist quality materials:

Soul Dolls believes in making the art of doll-making accessible to everyone. Shelly brings to life this desire through our Soul Dolls at-home creation kits, carefully put together to bring the joy of crafting into your hands and home. Each kit is a portal to your creativity, allowing you to infuse your unique intention & energy into every creation. Our kits come with exceptional online course instruction to accompany our At-Home Creation Kits. You will learn soulful techniques guided by Shelly's expertise and unique style of teaching. From beginners to seasoned crafters, our instructional course opens a door to the power of needle-felting and the profound impact it can have on your spiritual journey.

Our Mission and Contribution:

“At Soul Dolls, we believe in the transformative power of companionship and creativity. We are dedicated to supporting mental health of teens and young adults as a charitable endeavour. Our mission extends to fostering emotional well-being by partnering with holistic mental health initiatives. Through the sale of our dolls, and each kit a portion of proceeds will be directed towards organizations that promote mental health awareness and provide support services for teens struggling with internal battles. In this way, Soul Dolls is not only here to bring joy through our creations but also to contribute positively to the broader well-being of our community." -Shelly

Ireland 2024 Soul Doll Retreat

A retreat for both local and international women who desire to create in sacred space upon ancient historical lands in beautiful Ireland.

Check out our online store to find our Soul Doll at-home creation kits!

Video Testimonial Sabrina Howe

Member IPHM, RFI, IRIL. Practicing Reiki/Seichem, Rahanni, Reflexology, IET, Shamanism, Aromatherapy. Teaching Rahanni, Reiki, Seichem.

Check out Sabrina’s Offerings

Shelly's Commissioned Soul Dolls – where art and soul intertwine to create powerful talismans for your journey of soul service here on planet Earth.

I want a customSoul Doll crafted by Shelly.

Currently, Shelly’s commissions are open - upon receiving your request for a doll you will be invoiced 444$ CAD, and upon receiving a 50% deposit of 222$ you will be placed in the next available creation slot. Shelly works with her list and creates based on who is next on the list of paid customers. It will take roughly 1-3 months from your order date to complete your doll. Upon completion of your commissioned Soul Doll Shelly will invoice your for the remainder 222$ and 30$ shipping cost. Once final payment is received your doll will be shipped to you. Remember Shelly works with your energy, and that of the land, cycles & seasons - her goal is not to create quickly but powerfully.

Global Presence:

Shelly's custom Soul Dolls have found homes across the globe, adorning sacred spaces and becoming cherished companions on the path of soul service. These dolls are not just art pieces; they are vessels of intention, carrying the energy and dedication of individuals committed to making a difference in the world.

Shelly-Commissioned Soul Dolls

Unique Expressions, Endless Possibilities:

Shelly's artistic alchemy captures the essence of your journey, translating it into a real-life, soulful creation. Each custom Soul Doll is a testament to the profound connection between art and soul, a unique expression that resonates with the depths of your being.

Our Commissioned Soul Dolls, are created by Shelly with the intention of bringing to life a doll that reflects your soul’s essence. In her artist creation she communes deeply through prayer and intention to allow the doll to be created through intuition over mind. Each doll is unique, and crafted from heart and soul..

-Dr Karen Ward - www.moonmna.ie

“I was so impressed by the dedication, craftsmanship and sacred work that Shelly imbued in my treasure of a Medicine Doll. Doire Lily Rose is now the ‘Talking Full Woman’ for my Moon Mná Women’s Circles and is so admired and appreciated by all. Míle buíochas – a thousand thanks!”

The Keepers

Solarah - www.solarah.info

“My doll is so magickal….she started speaking to me immediately. What you do is so special and unique. Thank you, Shelly. Such a sacred privilege to be the keeper of one of your creations 🙏🏾”

About Shelly

Shelly, a former Family Preservation Worker, transitioned her passion for supporting youth and families into a private practice focused on guiding others to connect deeply with their spiritual/soul paths. In the midst of the 2020 Covid shutdown, Shelly welcomed her seventh child, Saga, and felt a profound calling to lead. Over the next three years, she dedicated herself to deconstructing her life's journey, and aligning with her soul's purpose.

In the fall of 2022, Shelly discovered the art of needle felting through an online program by Julia Ingles of Sacred Familiar while in a pivotal moment in life. What would seem like a slump, and yet another ego death would lead to a deep remembering of the doll-maker in her maternal line. This transformative course sparked a creative journey, leading Shelly to delve into her artistic abilities and craft her unique style of doll-making which blends her previous soul work teachings with the art of needle-felting. Today, Shelly's work not only reflects her spiritual journey but also serves as a source of inspiration for others seeking a deeper connection to their own soul’s paths.

Shelly lives in Southern AB, on Treaty 7 Land with her husband Kyle and her children. There mission is in land restoration, permaculture, and in fostering a healthy lifestyle.

  • After you purchase your doll, I immediately begin meditating and letting the doll’s essence come through. Within the first week, she will begin to be formed. During my creation process, I share two photos with you. The first photo is of the medicine bundle inside your doll. The second photo is of your formed doll before I adorn her, and bring her fully to life. After this, I will send you an invoice for your shipping cost, and once paid your doll will be shipped to you, and the final result will be revealed upon receiving her.

  • The answer to this is no. I allow the doll to be formed as she desires to come forth. If I were to take direction my intuitive process would be interrupted and the result would not be what either of us desire. Your medicine doll requires trust, and surrender that she will come through in a perfect form for you. These dolls are not created to meet your aesthetic preferences, but rather to give you soul medicine through her essence.

  • At the current rate I am creating you can expect to have your doll shipped within one month of your purchase date. However, if for some reason this does not occur you must wait until the process has energetically completed. I have made a doll in the past that took be a couple of months to complete due to the energies of her keeper shifting greatly during this time. I intuitively listen and will not push the process for a completion deadline. With this being said this is a rare occasion, and always worth the wait.

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